3 pillars of online marketing

{E79} 3 Pillars of Online Marketing

Stop Spinning Your Wheels Online! Does this feel all too familiar?

  • You feel like you’re spinning your wheels when it comes to your online marketing.
  • You know what you’re *supposed* to do, but there is no *real* plan and as a result you’re doing things randomly throughout the day.
  • You’ve created all your social media accounts, started blogging, and set up an email list…but nothing is really happening.
  • You’re constantly scrambling with what to say online and joining the latest social network in hopes that *this* will be the one.

Over the next episodes, I will be going over the 3 Pillars of Online Marketing so you can say good-bye to overwhelm and welcome more clarity, connections and clients in 2015.

Key Takeaways:

  • Platform: Get your website in order before you start sending people there. If you’re inviting people over, you’d make sure your house is in order, right? The same thing applies online. Before you start sending traffic to your website, you have to make sure you are ready to receive it! Do you have an opt-in in place? What about your follow-up strategy? Calls to action and auto-responders are important! And making sure you have the key information your prospects are looking for when they land on your site.
  • Presence: Once you’ve got your house in order, it’s time to figure out where your guests are hanging out online. You don’t have to be everywhere but you have to be in the right places.
  • Promotion: Once you’ve got your website ready and your engaging online with prospects, it’s time to ramp things up a notch and increase your visibility online. This is where Facebook ads, retargeting and webinars come in! And of course, making sales!


Sign up for the Weekly Ignite for more marketing tips https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/igniteweekly

webinar success

{E73} Setting up your webinar for success

It’s solo show time and we’re talking all about webinars and how to ensure you are successful when you go live!

Key Takeaways:

  • Platform: Choose one and practice. Don’t obsess about the technology! There are many options: Google Hangouts On Air, Meeting Burner and Go To Webinar, to name a few.
  • Promotion: Aim for a minimum of a week because anymore and people tend to forget. If you are doing a Facebook campaign, budget for at least 3 days to see which ads get better traction and A/B testing.
  • Content: Remember it’s *not* an infomercial. Share your expertise and give your attendees a quick win that they can implement even if they don’t buy from you then and there.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice. Test your attendee experience: the landing page, the autoresponders and the buying sequence. It’s easy to miss something and send people the wrong link.


Webinar Kickstart Giveaway

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a chance to win my Webinar Kickstart package.

Fast Fix Fridays

{E58} Fast Fix Fridays #16 How do I come up with webinar content?

This week’s Q&A episode, I answer a question that I get a lot! How do I come up with content for my webinar? I share 5 or 6 ways you can do that.

Have a question for an upcoming podcast?

Send me a message over at https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/live or tweet me @SandySidhu

Sign up for the Weekly Ignite for more marketing tips https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/igniteweekly