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{E69} Creating a Heart-Centered Brand With Cathy Ballard

In this episode, I chat with Cathy Ballard about creating a heart-centered brand and getting to the core of who you are and incorporating this into your story and how you present yourself online.


Key Takeaways:

  • People connect to stories and want the real you, not a glossy finish.
  • Look at your challenges and struggles and see how you can incorporate those into your story.
  • Start with small steps and see what kind of feedback you get.

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About Cathy Ballard

Cathy Ballard - branding and personal success mentorCathy Ballard supports conscious and spiritually aware entrepreneurs, who know they’re here to make a bigger difference in the world, to step into their power and get clear about what makes them uniquely special and valuable. She helps them package their brilliance, attract their ideal clients, and make the inner transformation necessary to create a profitable business that’s aligned with their life purpose and supports their hopes and dreams. Connect with her on Twitter @CathBallard