creating your first online product

Creating A Minimal Viable Product Part 3: A Look At Thrive Hive

In the series, “Creating A Cupcake: Instead of the Whole Cake”, I’m taking at look at how to create a smaller version of your digital product before going all out with the full version. This approach, known as a minimal viable product, allows you to focus on delivering a very specific feature without all the bells and whistles and build on it as you incorporate feedback and learn.

I see it as the K.I.S.S approach to product development (keep it short and simple) and can be applied to pretty much anything. For example- starting out with social media? Instead of trying to DO IT ALL- start small, join a few key platforms and then take it from there!

In this post, we will look at an example of a minimal viable product and the tools that were used to create it.

As a techy who loves to try every tool out there, I definitely have to reign myself in more often than not!

Creating A Minimal Viable Product

For instance, when launching Thrive Hive, an online community for women entrepreneurs, we could have chosen anyone of the following options:

($ no to low cost, $$ moderate, $$$ high)

  • Option 1: Set up a custom white-label network using Ning which starts at $25/month not to mention the setup time involved. $$
  • Option 2: Set up a new WordPress site with a membership plugin- costs: hosting, domain, membership plugin, development time $$$
  • Option 3: Use our existing websites + private Facebook or Google+ group $

Choosing The Tech

Cost was not the only deciding factor when we decided to go the direction we did (which was option 3) but rather what was it that we were trying to accomplish and who were we trying to serve.

We could have easily spent months developing a custom site and then promote it and share it with our communities. This would mean more time developing and less time learning what worked and what didn’t work. It also meant getting people in the habit of spending time on yet another site.

Removing Barriers To Increase Engagement

The same would apply to using Ning, while the development cost would be less we would still have to encourage people to spend time on another site.

However, our target market is already on Facebook (sorry, Google+) and spending tons of time there. Did we really want to add the barrier of having to go somewhere else to engage? Probably not.

Our goal is to connect women entrepreneurs in different stages in their business, share each other’s content and organize online events such as chats and hangouts.

After surveying our audience and getting clear on what was missing in the groups they were currently participating in, we were able to narrow in on our focus and priorities.

Now that’s not to say we would never consider the other options and we could re-evalulate if we outgrew the existing setup, but it was out of scope for our minimal viable product.

Thrive Hive: A Look At The Solution

Sales page: Landing pages on existing sites Amp and Pivot and SidekickPM.

Payment: Paypal recurring payments for subscriptions

Community: Private Facebook group

Communication: Google group for social media posts + Aweber (for sign up + autoresponders)

Group activities: Twitter chats (#thrivechat) and Google Hangouts

Because we used our existing websites and free platforms we were able to keep the actual cost down and the only expense was our time.

Time to development: From idea to launch we were able to execute on this in only 4 weeks (between 2 businesses).

As you can see, when creating your minimal viable product, it helps to look at what solutions already exist but to choose based on what you are trying to accomplish. And as you learn and grow, you can make changes to the technology that you are using.

In the comments below, I’d like to hear what you are launching and if you are considering the “cupcake” approach!

In the final post in this series, we’ll look at some tools you can use to easily create and launch your first digital product.

 I like to practice what I preach..check out the new live online-workshop I am running in beta on August 30th.


Sign up below to get the entire series delivered in ebook format (for free*).

*does not include cupcakes

Three keys to online product launch.

How To Create Your First Online Product Part 2

In the last post, I talked about getting started with your online product and compared the process to creating a cupcake vs the whole cake.

Now we’ll look at how to decide which product to develop (because you have tons of ideas, right?)

To be successful, your product really only needs three things:

  • Solve a problem
  • People who want it
  • A way to get paid

Before we get into the actual tools that you can use to develop your minimal viable product, it’s important to figure out who you’ve created this product for. So how do you figure that out?

Step 1: Identify The Problem   Things to consider to launch a new digital product

  • What areas do people generally ask you questions about?
  • What pain-point can you solve for people?

Think in terms of problem and solution

Step 2: Who has this problem?

  • Talk to people: Both online (in Facebook/LinkedIn and Google+ groups) and offline at networking events
  • Pick up the phone and talk to key customers- it helps to have structured questions to start the conversation and to let them know how much of their time you will need.
  • Survey your audience using a poll on Facebook, or using a survey tool like Survey Monkey or by creating a Google form.
  • Use tools like Google Keyword Search to see how people are searching for problems that you are hoping to solve

STEP 2 is critical. It’s better to start with an interest list then creating a product that no one wants. And by surveying customers and talking to your audience you will get additional insights as to what problems your ideal customer is struggling with.

In the next post, we’ll start looking at easy low-cost ways to produce and deliver your online product.

Your turn:
Start investigating and figuring out who you would create your first online product for…Leave me a comment below and share the results of a survey you’ve done / or share a link to your survey!

Sign up below to get the entire series delivered in ebook format (for free*).

*does not include cupcakes

The Core 4: The Essential Tools To Jumpstart Your Online Business

Are you looking to build your business online but tired of spending countless hours on Google and in Forums?

Do you keep telling yourself you are so close? Just one more website, one more forum, you know the answer is just around the corner. It’s time to get off the endless Google search merry-go-round and start taking action in your business.

In this webinar, we will show you how to get started online with the Core 4 essentials tools to getting setup, found, connected and paid.

Click Here To Claim Your Spot Now!

Meet your coaches!


Sandy Sidhu is the founder of SidekickPM where she uses her 12 years experience working in the tech industry to support entrepreneurs with the techy aspects of starting and running an online business.


Tennille Hopper is the founder and creative director of  Pretty Little Pixels. She works with solo to small businesses to design and develop beautiful brands and custom WordPress websites.

Sign-up if you are ready to say goodbye to countless hours of searching and frustration and learn which tools are an absolute must to get your online business started right.

When: It’s happening Friday May 31st

  • 9:30 AM Pacific

  • 12:30 PM Eastern

Make sure to register and then show up at least 15 minutes early, spaces are limited.

Click Here To Claim Your Spot Now!

getting started with online business solopreneurs

Tech Talk Thursdays

getting started with online business solopreneurs

Feeling overwhelmed with all the different things there are to do when starting up  your online business? SEO? RSS? Short-urls? Social Media? or has you confused? Come join me over on the Facebook page and post your burning questions on TechTalkThursdays and I’ll be happy to help!