Serious about generating leads online for your business? Do this first.

I’m going to take a guess and assume you are here because you

1) want to get more leads for your business and

2) heard you can accomplish this with Facebook ads.


Ok, great!

Well, I want to make sure that before you even start with ads that you do this one thing and make sure you have everything setup to work FOR you.

What exactly is that? It’s the Facebook pixel. And it’s a game-changer. And in fact, when I see people running ads and don’t have it setup on their site, I’m like WHYYYYYY.

In a nutshell, the pixel helps you build audiences off of people who have visited your website and which you can then target on Facebook. Warm traffic is much easier to convert to leads and sales than people who don’t know you yet.

And it takes no time to do.

So go ahead and take 3 minutes and and get your site ready to start running those lead-generating ads!

Watch the Facebook Pixel Training here.