Episode 15: Developing Your Compelling Business Offer With Nailah Blades

An important part of being an entrepreneur is learning from your peers. “Unstoppable Entrepreneur” profiles entrepreneurs just like yourselves who have taken the leap to follow their passion and create their own work & lifestyle. They share their expertise: tips for success, tools they use and valuable things they have learned along the way.

This week I had the pleasure of speaking to Nailah Blades of Polka Dot Coaching. Nailah discusses the importance of having a strong business foundation before focusing on the ‘glitz and glamour’ aspects of your business like branding, website and biz cards.

Watch/Listen to the video below and share your feedback!

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of building your business foundation before you start working on your website, business cards and branding
  • Getting clear on your offering
  • Listening to your target market and adapting
  • Not ignoring your ‘calendar of freedom’ as an entrepreneur and WHY you started a business

Click to Tweet Have a solid offer before you focus on the glitz and glamour part of your business  @NailahBlades

Resources Mentioned

The $100 Startup

About Nailah Blades

Nailah is the founder of Polka Dot Coaching where she helps her clients create lucrative businesses they are passionate about and that are aligned with their core values—by breaking down queen-sized dreams into bite-sized goals. 




{Launch It} 3 Tips To Surviving Your First Product Launch

I don’t know Murphy personally but he sure seems to show up when I least expect it, like a few days ago in the middle of a product launch I was supporting.

Case in point- this giant distorted Paypal button:

Doesn’t look right, does it?

I’ve only added PayPal buttons to websites hundreds of times..so why would this time be any different?

Well, turns out Murphy was right.

“When anything can go wrong, it will.”

I was a little dumbfounded as to why this particular button was acting up.

WordPress site, Paypal button..shouldn’t be too complicated, right?

I double checked the code just to make sure nothing had happened between my copy and paste and sure enough it didn’t…so what’s the deal?

I quickly turned to my BFF, Google and did a search with PayPal buttons and the Thesis theme (which this particular WordPress site was running) because I suspected that there was probably an issue with the theme.

What do you know: there’s a known issue with Thesis and PayPal buttons!

Argggh! Hair-pulling out moment. I mean, seriously?!

This was the last thing I needed right then.

It was a pretty quick fix with a line of code added to the custom.css file but all this to say is that you can plan for everything  during your launch but often it’s the things that you least expect that don’t end up working.

Are you about to embark on a product launch or thinking about one in the near future?

My advice:

Stay Cool

When things are getting sticky and you don’t seem to be moving forward: step away from the problem and give it some distance. The brain has a way of working on things even when you are not actively working on them and when you come back things are clearer and you are more likely to solve the problem! #win

Thing Big. Start Small

Especially, when it’s your first  product launch.

Product launches are super involved and have a lot of moving pieces beyond just creating the actual product. There’s the nuts and bolts involved behind the scenes from setting up your shopping cart, sales page, affiliates, and auto-responders, just to name a few. My suggestion: take that big idea you have and try to release it in smaller parts rather than taking on something huge for the first time around.

Have A Buffer

You can plan all you want but unexpected things like giant PayPal buttons can and will happen.  In your case, it might not be that exactly but it could be an unexpected delay from your graphic designer, audio missing in your video recording (<–it’s happened)and so on.

Give your product launch plan buffer to account for these last-minute glitches.

Have anything to add? Have you ever experienced something like the case of the distorted PayPal button? Let me know in the comments!

From Stuck to Unstoppable program early bird special ends November 1st. Get that idea out of your head and out into the world! Sign up here today!

Episode 14: From Stuck To Unstoppable: Benny Hsu’s $30K app launch success story!

An important part of being an entrepreneur is learning from your peers. “Unstoppable Entrepreneur” profiles entrepreneurs just like yourselves who have taken the leap to follow their passion and create their own work & lifestyle. They share their expertise: tips for success, tools they use and valuable things they have learned along the way.

This week I had the pleasure of speaking to Benny Hsu of Get Busy Living. Benny shares how he moved from being stuck and fed up of constantly ‘hoping’ for things to change to finally taking action and making things happen. He talks about how he launched his first app without having any programming knowledge but the desire to learn and find resources that could help him.

Watch/Listen to the video below and share your feedback!

Key Takeaways

  • How he launched an app that made $30 000 in the first month-without any programming knowledge
  • Consistency is important and beats out trying hard in short bursts and burning out
  • Model someone’s success: see how they did it, how you can learn from them and reach out!
  • It’s never too late to get started
  • You don’t have to have all the skills: figure out what you are good at and get help with the rest using outsourcing

Click to Tweet:  Hope is not a strategy. You have to take action to move forward -@Benny_Hsu  http://bit.ly/R4OkZp

Click to Tweet: Appreneur @Benny_Hsu shares how he got unstuck and took the leap to launch his first app  http://bit.ly/R4OkZp #entrepreneur

About Benny Hsu

Benny Hsu is an appreneur and blogs at Get Busy Living where he shares insights about pursuing your passions and having financial freedom to be your own boss in life. He has developed two apps and is launching the AppAcademy this fall.


Get the first chapter of ‘From Stuck to Unstoppable: How To Go From Idea To Launch‘ and learn more about Benny’s story and how he moved from being stuck to launching an awesome app!



Start Today

I’m reading “Poke the Box” by Seth Godin right now and although short (around 80 pages), it is filled with valuable insight.

As Seth puts it, it is a “manifesto about starting”, not just “thinking about it” but

leaping, commiting and making something happen

which got me thinking how often do people get stuck at the starting line? How often do we become our own barriers to starting? Or we put off launching something because it is not “perfect” yet? We come up with all these things we think we need to do before we actually start, get overwhelmed and then never end up doing anything.

A year from now you will wish you had started today -Karen Lamb

Starting is important. Your first blog post won’t be nearly as good as your 100th but you need to go through that process to get better and improve.

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when you first start something new but chances are you can break down your ideas into smaller pieces and chip away at them bit by bit.

The world is waiting for you! Get unstuck . Stop watching and start doing.

                                                                                        Source: google.com via Sandy on Pinterest



I’d love to hear what you’re starting and working on in the comments below!

What an 8 year-old Knitting a Sweater Taught Me about Launching a Product

What can an 8 year-old knitting a sweater possibly teach you about launching a product?

Read on.

There was an 8 year-old that I knew once upon a time whom for random reasons I thought about the other day. She was a curious, talkative girl and in grade 3 was really enthusiastic about a knitting lunch club her teacher started. She didn’t know much about knitting except for what she had seen her Mom do on occasion yet she was completely fascinated by the idea of creating something from a few strands of yarn and having an end-product of a beautiful sweater.

The teacher gave them the pattern, yarn, needles and all the materials to start.
They were instructed to knit square patches in a variety of colours which would then be sewn by the teacher into the final sweater. They would meet once a week during the lunch period where the teacher would provide additional guidance, tips and help.

There was only one caveat-the patches needed to be completed by a certain date in order to have the sweaters ready to present at a school assembly.

The 8 year-old worked furiously, knitting in all her spare time. She could envision herself in that beautiful sweater that she would wear with a sense of accomplishment knowing she had made it from start to finish.

And she did it. Over the course of the 3 months, the young girl worked away at her patches and got the teacher’s help whenever she was met with any challenges. Each week the pile of patches grew steadily until the day finally came when she was ready to assemble her sweater. She beamed with excitement and pride when she finally got to put on the sweater and show it off to her friends and classmates.

She had done it! She had turned those balls of yarn into a beautiful finished product.

Focus, dedication, commitment, and perseverance paid off.

Little did she know at the time the valuable lessons she had learned would be ones she would one day reflect back on.

I know..because I was that 8 year old 🙂

So..what can be learned from all of this?


Starting is the first important step. You may not know everything or have everything in place but you will learn as you go. It may seem kind of obvious but you’d be amazed at how many people don’t actually get past this part. They get stuck at the starting line.

Be Specific & Work Towards a Goal

It is easy to get carried away and think you can do everything or even need to do everything. Picking too many things to start will most likely prevent you from a) starting or b) finishing. So be very specific about what it is you set out on doing.

In this case, the goal was the final product of a sweater. It was very specific and I knew what I needed to do to get to the get goal->knit patches. Your goal may be writing that ebook you’ve always wanted or finally narrowing in on that niche. Or maybe it is starting a blog? Picking your website designer? Getting started on social media?  Pick!

Seek out help/resources

You may know everything you need to get your product or service launched. Or you may not. The thing is you don’t have to know everything…ask for help. Research on the good old ‘net. Either way don’t let this stop you from getting your work out in the world!

Have a Deadline

Having a deadline is important. Too often we have moving targets which prevent us from committing and sticking to it. Pick a date and work towards it. And stick to that date.


Deadlines are great but if we don’t actually tell anyone it’s easy to fall off track. Accountability partners are great for that..they can provide guidance and be that gentle (or not so gentle) poke when you need it. Don’t have one? How about making a public announcement on Facebook? Announcing that you have a project in the works with a fixed deadline may be the first step. Also something about making it public makes it so much more real.

Visualize Success

Picture yourself with the final product in your hands or using the skill you are hoping to learn. Research shows that the brain cannot tell the difference between a real and an imagined action so by visualizing yourself successfully doing something the stimulation in your brain (and subsequent chemical reactions) is no different than actually having done it. Win! You’re able to train your brain and convince it (and yourself) that you can (and will) do it.

Do the Work

So you’ve picked a specific area to work on, found resources to help you, picked a deadline and announced it to the world. Now you must commit and do the work. Carve out the time to spend on your project each day/week and in no time you will have yourself a new skill/ebook/niche/website or whatever it was that you set out to do. Go for it!

And there you have it- 7  things you can learn about launching from an 8 year-old knitting a sweater.

Anything to add? W ould love to hear your thoughts!