Unstoppable Entrepreneur Episode 5: Dreamer & Doer Natalie MacNeil of She Takes on The World

Natalie MacNeil Takes on the World

I had the pleasure of interviewing the inspiring Natalie MacNeil in which she talks about her upcoming book “She Takes on the World” and the “a-ha” moment behind it all.

What Natalie shares in this interview

  • The “a-ha” moment that led to the launch of “She Takes on the World”
  • Her Master Action Plan which includes vision boarding, strategic planning and goal setting
  • Dreaming vs Doing and the importance of Focus!
  • and of course, her book launching at the end of March!

Dream big! The world is yours!

Download: You can download a copy of the first chapter ( be prepared to eagerly anticipate reading the whole book!)

Giveaway: Participate in the $5000 giveaway: How are YOU taking on the world?