
3 Ways To Lower The Cost Of Your Facebook Ads

You’re ready to do your first Facebook ad but you also don’t want to break the bank. In this short video, I walk you through 3 ways to lower your Facebook ad costs.

One of the questions I get asked often is how can I use Facebook ads to grow my list.
I like to look at what you already have and see how we can use that to reach your goals. For example, do you have an email list? Facebook page? Blog? All of these can help lower your costs.
Often what I will see business owners do is simply create an ad by targeting other pages as interests and hoping for the best.
Targeting with interests does work but before reaching a cold audience that might not know you, it’s best to work with a warm audience who might already be familiar with you but not necessarily on your list.
If you want to lower your costs, you want to target people who may already be familiar with your brand or are similar to people who like your page or are on your list.


1. Create A Custom Audience
On Facebook you can create custom audiences and then target those custom audiences.
For example, you could upload your mailing list and then have Facebook create a ‘lookalike’ audience that is similar to your mailing list and serve ads to that audience.


2. Grow Your Page Likes
While it may seem counter-intuitive since organic reach of posts on Facebook Pages have gone down, paying for likes will cost less than trying to target a cold audience and have them directly opt-in to your list. What you can then do is setup an ad that is only shown to people who have liked your page and exclude people who may already be on your mailing list (by using the custom audience you created in point 1). With this method, you could setup an adset that is continually growing your page and your list at the same time.


3. Retarget Website Visitors
Remember that pair of shoes you looked at on Amazon and next thing you know that pair of shoes is following you around the web? That’s retargeting. Thanks to the Facebook Pixel you can do the same thing! By creating a custom audience of website visitors, you can serve ads specifically to people who have visited your website. This warm audience will be people who are familiar with you because they read a blog, looked at your sales page or maybe visited your optin but never signed up and you have an opportunity to get in front of them with a targeted ad.
Set your Facebook ads up for success. Get the free training here.


3 pillars of online marketing

{E79} 3 Pillars of Online Marketing

Stop Spinning Your Wheels Online! Does this feel all too familiar?

  • You feel like you’re spinning your wheels when it comes to your online marketing.
  • You know what you’re *supposed* to do, but there is no *real* plan and as a result you’re doing things randomly throughout the day.
  • You’ve created all your social media accounts, started blogging, and set up an email list…but nothing is really happening.
  • You’re constantly scrambling with what to say online and joining the latest social network in hopes that *this* will be the one.

Over the next episodes, I will be going over the 3 Pillars of Online Marketing so you can say good-bye to overwhelm and welcome more clarity, connections and clients in 2015.

Key Takeaways:

  • Platform: Get your website in order before you start sending people there. If you’re inviting people over, you’d make sure your house is in order, right? The same thing applies online. Before you start sending traffic to your website, you have to make sure you are ready to receive it! Do you have an opt-in in place? What about your follow-up strategy? Calls to action and auto-responders are important! And making sure you have the key information your prospects are looking for when they land on your site.
  • Presence: Once you’ve got your house in order, it’s time to figure out where your guests are hanging out online. You don’t have to be everywhere but you have to be in the right places.
  • Promotion: Once you’ve got your website ready and your engaging online with prospects, it’s time to ramp things up a notch and increase your visibility online. This is where Facebook ads, retargeting and webinars come in! And of course, making sales!


Sign up for the Weekly Ignite for more marketing tips https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/igniteweekly

Julie Lowe - social media strategies for busy entrepreneurs

{E71} Digging into Facebook Ads With Julie Lowe

Julie Lowe from Socially Aligned joins me today to talk all about Facebook ads and setting them up in the Power Editor. We talk about the importance of copy and conveying your ideal customer’s pain points, good images that are mobile friendly and understanding audience reach and budget.


We also talk about the importance of testing multiple ads, conversion rates and the conversion pixel.


Key Takeaways:

  • Facebook is moving more and more to pay to play but ads do actually work if you do them right.
  • It’s important to address your target audience’s pain points and convey what’s in it for them in your ad.
  • Having a call to action is super important in your ad.
  • Test, test, test! You need to setup multiple ads and test to see what works.
  • Targeting bigger pages is not always better since many people are trying to get in front of those pages.


Facebook Power Editor (currently, Power Editor only works in the Google Chrome web browser)

About Julie Lowe

Julie Lowe - Social Media Strategist

Julie Lowe is a Social Media Strategist and the Founder of Socially Aligned. Julie creates social media strategies for busy entrepreneurs who desire more leads, more sales, and a real plan to grow their business! You can find Julie at SociallyAligned.com

highway billboard

{E50} A look back at 50 episodes, your questions and listener feedback

It’s the 50th episode of the Business Ignite Show! In this week’s episode, I look back at show highlights, answer listener questions and feedback.

Thank you so much for being apart of this journey! I’d love to hear from you.


Send me a message at https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/live or tweet me @SandySidhu.

Have you signed up for the weekly ignite? https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/igniteweekly