webinar guide

{E43} Fast Fix Fridays #10 Creating Webinar Content Without Giving It All Away

This week’s Fast Fix Friday episode, I answer a listener question regarding webinars. The question: I want to do webinars but how do I create my content without giving it all away and leaving some interest in my products and services?
When I create my webinars, I focus on the WHY and my products/services are the HOW. For example, in my recent webinar series Create, Promote and Profit With Webinars I talk about the 6 reasons why you should do webinars and while I do touch upon the techy aspects of how to do it, it’s not my entire focus.

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on the WHY and sell the HOW
  • People should walk away with enough information to go out and get started but if they are interested in more and want to get help with the actual HOW which is in my case setting everything up I offer them my DIY Webinar Guide.


Have a question for an upcoming episode? Tweet me @SandySidhu, leave me a Speakpipe or send me an email hello@sandysidhumedia.com

Coming Soon!

{E42} I want to hear from you! Get featured in Episode 50

I’m getting ready to record my 50th episode which will air in August and want to hear from you! If you’ve been listening for awhile or a new listener, I’d love to know if there was a particular episode that you really enjoyed and made you take action.  Leave me a speakpipe message of up to 90 seconds.

Say your name, your website and what action you took or why the episode resonated with you. OR you can also leave me a question that you want answered in an upcoming episode!


Can’t wait to hear from you! Have you signed up for the weekly ignite? Sign up here https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/igniteweekly