social media hashtags

Have I ever mentioned that I loooove #hashtags?

I still remember when I was a huge LOST fan and when the finale aired back in 2010 (when watching shows ‘real-time’ was a thing) how cool it was to just type in #LOST on Twitter and be connected to a global water-cooler and see what fans around the world were chatting about during the show (or commercial breaks for the PVR-less amongst us).

Well, flash-forward 3 years later and hashtags are EVERYWHERE. #BreakingBad, anyone?

I bet your favorite beverage even has one. It’s kind of like back in the late 90’s when you started to see website addresses everywhere and probably wondered why your laundry detergent needed a website.

Makes sense now, right?

Hashtags have become ubiquitous.

Buuuuuut if you’re still scratching your head and wondering what the fuss is all about (and how you could maybe even use’em in your biz) read on! And don’t worry! You’re not alone.

Hashtags connect people and ideas.

What do I mean?

The thing that’s different about hashtags vs just following people on Twitter- is that when you click on a hashtag (#smallbiz, for example) you are presented with hundreds of tweets of people whom you may not be following but who sharing information related to a topic that may interest you.  The same thing applies to Instagram, but instead your search will turn up pictures.

6 HashTag Strategies To Market Your Business, Connect and Brand Your Content

1) Live events (Meetups, Conferences)

Create a hashtag for your event which allows people to connect before, during and after your event.

hashtag at events

Make your hashtag visible at events

Get the word out about your hashtag in your email marketing, on your event sign up page and make it visible during the event. If you have a Twitter savvy crowd, they are probably already talking about the event and looking for opportunities to connect. Make it easy and use it to your advantage!

How does it benefit your business?

  • The word about your event gets spread to new audiences

  • You can curate tweets and use them to create content after the event

  • Connects you with people who are interested in your business/event/topic which is key for community building.

2) Twitter Chats

Twitter chats have to be one my favorite uses of Twitter. And all thanks to the mighty hashtag. There are Twitter chats for every topic under the sun. You can join chats related to your industry and exchange with your peers and keep up with trends or you can participate in chats where your target audience is hanging out. The possibilities are endless! You can also create and host your own chat.

3) Connect with new people!

Head on over to and use the advanced search and search for hashtags related to your business. Some ideas: #blogchat #smbiz

4) Hashtag your content:

When you share content on Twitter (or Google+/Instagram/Facebook) add keyword hashtags to make your content searchable by others using or looking for those hashtags.

For example: Want to up your game? Surround yourself with other influential #women #entrepreneurs. See you in The

5) Branded Hashtag:

Start a conversation and ask your followers to tag their tweets with your branded hashtag.

Some examples: #HDGameDay which is celebrating the start of College Football and encouraging people to share their photos on Twitter and Instagram.

6) Running promotions

You can run a promotion and use a hashtag (services like OfferPop make this super easy). For example, another client is running one called: #twgoldenticket. But running Twitter promotions is for another day 🙂

Choosing a Hashtag:

It’s probably best to research to make sure the hashtag is not already in use. Try sites like or

Some Don’ts:

  • Hashtag spam: No one likes a spammer. This applies on social media as well.

  • Hashtag sparingly: #don’t #hashtag #every #word. It’s kind of #annoying.

Some Do’s

  • Use #hashtags related to keywords, locations, events that you want to be found for

  • Be creative. You can make up a hashtag. #makeyourownrules

And for some more inspiration:


So what do you think? Will you be #hashtagging anytime soon?

Let me know in the comments!


  1. Jen

    I really need to hashtag my content. I like the idea of the branded hashtag. I’m really good about it on G+ but don’t ever do it on Twitter other than chats. Hmm… one more thing to think about. Thanks, Sandy!

    • Sandy Sidhu

      agree! I can’t imagine going to an event and not being able to connect with others before/after/during without a hashtag.
      Thanks for stopping by, Kristy!

    • Sandy Sidhu

      agree! I can’t imagine going to an event and not being able to connect with others before/after/during without a hashtag.
      Thanks for stopping by, Kristy!

  2. Sandeep Gourkanti

    Before this article, I only thought hashtags were limited for Twitter. After reading, I think I’m going to incorporate it in emails I sent out to people and see if it works. Thanks for sharing your advice Sandy!

    • Sandy Sidhu

      Hi Sandeep!
      Just to clarify hashtags only work on Twitter, Google+, Instagram and Facebook. I mean to use email marketing to get the word out about your hashtag. Hope that makes sense!
      Thanks for your comment!

  3. Paula Lawes

    OK I am sooo revisiting this article to take it all in again! Brilliantly put though and so much stuff I just do not know about twitter thank you!

  4. Jesicka Labud

    Really, really great article about hastags. I’ve always been curious about twitter chats and what the heck they were, and I found your article link to it from this article as well! Great resources! Signed up for your newsletter! Thanks for providing all these great ideas for my business. Will be coming back for more!

    • Sandy Sidhu

      Awesome. Yeah, I loooove Twitter chats. I’m actually cohosting #thrivechat this Friday- you should join us. We’re talking about how to get the most out of the last quarter of 2013!

  5. Michaela Cristallo

    Great hash tag strategies! I must admit although I love Twitter I don’t use hash tags! That might need to change as you’ve made some very good points for it. Love the idea of the twitter chat!

    • Sandy Sidhu

      Thanks Michaela! I’d love to hear more about your business and how you plan on using them!
      I’m co-hosting a twitter chat this Friday if you want to come and experience it first-hand!

  6. Paul Grout

    Hey Sandy, you are right hashtags are important and can certainly help a message reach new audiences when correctly used. I will start to give more time to the choice of my hashtags as a result, because I know they work. I will check out Topsy for sure. Thanks again 🙂