An important part of being an entrepreneur is learning from your peers. “Unstoppable Entrepreneur” profiles entrepreneurs just like yourselves who have taken the leap to follow their passion and create their own work & lifestyle.

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Jen Brown, endurance performance coach, personal trainer and founder of Sparta Personal Training, based in Penrith, Australia.

In this interview, Jen shares her journey and how she went about transitioning from her day job as a lawyer to a full-time personal trainer. She shares her struggles- which included mindset, the importance of identifying your niche as well as her top 3 tips for someone just starting as an entrepreneur, which include:

  • Do it!
  • But do your homework, first!

Jen also talked about why she loves what she’s doing-you should just see her face light up! Clearly, Jen is in her element.

You can follow her at @SpartaJen, Like her on Facebook and keep a lookout for the online course she will be launching for triathletes in a few weeks on her site.

Go Jen!

Enjoy Unstoppable Entrepreneur? Want to be featured? Email me at


    • Sandy

      Apologies if I’m replying twice but seems like my site crashed and some things were not backed up!!
      But thank you and glad you enjoyed it!

    • Sandy

      Apologies if I’m replying twice but seems like my site crashed and some things were not backed up!!
      But thank you for participating! It was lovely having you 🙂

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