Fast Fix Fridays

{E51} Fast Fix Fridays #13 Should I create a Facebook group or membership site?

In this week’s Fast Fix Friday episode, I answer a listener question about coaching programs and whether or not you should create a membership site to offer the content and place to engage or just use a Facebook group.

Personally, I find it works best when you have the content (pdfs, videos, audio) on a membership site but have the engagement and interaction in a Facebook group or Google+ community. Chances are your audience is already there and it’s just easier than getting them to go and login to another site.

Do you have a question for an upcoming episode? Record a message at or tweet me @SandySidhu.

Join the Ignite Online Community and connect with other entrepreneurs over at

content marketing

{E48} Fast Fix Fridays #12 Should I be posting the same content on all social networks?

In this episode I answer listener question- “Should I be posting the same content on all social networks every day?” I talk about Twitter Analytics, Facebook insights and Google Analytics and how you can use these to test and look at metrics to see which content is best suited for your audience.



Have a question for a future episode? Leave me a voicemail at or tweet me @SandySidhu

webinar guide

{E43} Fast Fix Fridays #10 Creating Webinar Content Without Giving It All Away

This week’s Fast Fix Friday episode, I answer a listener question regarding webinars. The question: I want to do webinars but how do I create my content without giving it all away and leaving some interest in my products and services?
When I create my webinars, I focus on the WHY and my products/services are the HOW. For example, in my recent webinar series Create, Promote and Profit With Webinars I talk about the 6 reasons why you should do webinars and while I do touch upon the techy aspects of how to do it, it’s not my entire focus.

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on the WHY and sell the HOW
  • People should walk away with enough information to go out and get started but if they are interested in more and want to get help with the actual HOW which is in my case setting everything up I offer them my DIY Webinar Guide.


Have a question for an upcoming episode? Tweet me @SandySidhu, leave me a Speakpipe or send me an email

Fast Fix Fridays

{E38} Small Landing Page Tweaks For Big Results

Welcome to the Friday edition of the Business Ignite Show where I answer your questions! Got a question for a future episode? Tweet me @SandySidhu #BusinessIgnite or drop me an email

This week I talk about a recent change I made to my webinar sign up flow. I optimized my thank you page and added two calls to action and saw a huge increase in Facebook likes and opt-ins to my private online community Ignite Online.

In the past, I would say my thank you page was kind of “meh” and not really taking advantage of the fact that people had opted in and I now had their attention.

Instead of sending them to a page with a call to action, I was simply sending them to the page where they would be watching the webinar live (in a few days). Talk about FAIL! They would be getting that link anyways!


After opting in to the webinar, they would be sent to this page telling them that the webinar was happening in a few days. They would also get an email confirmation.



Now, after opting in I send them to a page with 2 calls to action. The information with webinar details goes straight to their inbox.

landing page with call to action

The Results

I promoted this webinar over a period of 5 days and made this change around day 3.

In just two days, I added 75 people to my Facebook page as well as doubled the size of my newish community.  I then went ahead and also made the change to my regular opt-tin and hope to see similar results over time.

I could probably even add a video but for now I will leave it like this and use this as my new webinar confirmation page.

I used LeadPages to create this page (and also use LeadPages for my webinars) but you don’t have to.

Have you experimented with your landing pages? What kind of results did you get? Let me know in the comments!