An important part of being an entrepreneur is learning from your peers. “Unstoppable Entrepreneur” profiles entrepreneurs who have taken the leap to follow their passion and create their own work & lifestyle. They share their expertise: tips for success, tools they use and valuable insights they have learned along the way.

This week I had the pleasure of speaking to Angela Horn of Balance and Life. Angela shares how she adopted a minimalist lifestyle and how we as entrepreneurs can learn from this lifestyle and apply it our busy lives.

Watch/Listen to the video below and share your feedback below!

Key Takeaways

  • Take a digital sabbatical at least once a week: Take small steps and start with an hour
  • Be mindful of who you friend on Facebook (or follow on Twitter) so you don’t get sucked in to their drama
  • Detach to get creative: it’s too easy to edit yourself on your laptop. Go old school and grab a pen and paper and let the ideas flow!
  • Social media can be a time-suck if you are not mindful. Focus on what you hope to achieve and set limits to how much time you spend

Resources Mentioned

  • Rescue Time: see where you are spending your time and remove any in-efficiences from your day
  • Anti-Social: don’t have the willpower to logout of social media? Anti-social will do it for you.


About Angela

Angela Horn is a Cape Town-based freelance writer, lifestyle blogger and public speaker. Feel free to stalk her on Twitter or harass her via email. Alternatively you can just head over to Mostly Mindful and sign up for her bi-monthly minimalist missives..


  1. Pingback: Work Life Balance | Balance & Life

  2. pamela

    Excuse me but I am the only one who could hear Sandy but not Angela??? I find the Key takeaways under the video really touch a aching point and I would love to hear more about it.
    Can you solve the volume issue and send me an email?
    Thanks 🙂

    • Sandy

      Hi Pamela!
      I’m not sure what the issue with the volume is..I doublechecked and it seems okay on my end.


  3. pamela

    It is now ok on my side too. I don’t know what it was but it is now solved. Thanks 🙂
    Ps. The interview is great!!! Great topic and great person 🙂

  4. Jules

    Loved this interview! I took a digital sabbatical a few weeks ago and it was so worth it. I came back refreshed and ready to take on new things with more energy. Thanks for the tips, Angela.

    Sandy – is the music a new addition to your interviews? I like it! Makes me want to dance. 😉

  5. Krystina Feucht

    Great interview. It’s amazing how even taking a 1-day break can feel refreshing. This is one of those ‘boundary’ challenges that I think most entrepreneurs experience.

    We’re so passionate about what we do that we end up checking our phones at dinner, the movies, mid-conversation…we get a little ‘update’ crazy. Good reminders ladies!

    • Sandy

      Absolutely! I know I catch myself waaay too often checking email etc when I’m supposed to be taking a “break”. Getting better at it, though.

      Thanks for your comment, Krystina!

  6. Pingback: 10 Insights To Move From Idea To Action In 2013 | SidekickPM

  7. Angela

    Hey ladies…it’s gratifying indeed to read how you’re all experimenting with digital sabbaticals! Even if you just start off with a couple of hours…taking a complete break from being connected (including your cell phone!) is incredibly refreshing. 😉